Supply List
Supply List
Zippered Pouch for pencils/art supplies
(we do not have room in our desks for pencil boxes)
2 Two pocket folders
2 sharpened pencils
2 blue or green pens
2 highlighters
Your choice of crayons/markers/colored pencils
(No permanent markers please!)
Scissors (Fiskars are great)
4 glue sticks- to be replenished throughout the year.
(We use a lot of glue!)
2 dry erase markers
2 boxes of tissues
2 boxes of baby wipes
3 marble composition notebooks
1 inexpensive pair of earbuds
2 fiction chapter books of your choice for Readers' Workshop (We will be doing non-fiction, biographies, and
mysteries later in the year, so please do not bring in those.)
**Since you will also be working from home, please make sure you have supplies available at home.
Please put your name on all of your supplies that will be coming to school.
** Please, no pencil sharpeners **