


Remote learning will take place through Schoology. Students know how to manipulate the site. You can access the platform through the Schoology link on the right side of this page - although students will probably use Clever or a bookmark on the desktop of their laptop. It would be best if the students use their laptops when working on assignments (passwords are saved and the students are familiar with the process using their school Mac Books)


Please contact me at [email protected] if you have any question or require clarification.


Along with the daily agenda items noted on my Schoology page, students will be completing assignments for their daily specials. These assignments can be found on Schoology or the special area teachers’ websites.  Students should complete the activity/lesson assigned by special teachers on the day of the week that they would normally have that special.
Our Special Schedule:
Monday - Mr. RiouxMusic and Mrs. Ceparano - Art
Tuesday - Mrs. Kearney – Computers
Wednesday - Mrs. ColaneriGym
Thursday - Mrs. Gorski – Media
Friday - Senor Ohr - World Language and Mrs. ColaneriGym
Please check your special area teacher's Schoology page for your assignments each day!
Check Mrs. Eisenberg's page for some fun at-home activities!