4th Grade

Remote learning forMarch 16-20
Good morning to everyone!
As we proceed with our online learning, I am asking students to use our music program called  "Quaver."  This is the music program that we use in class every week. The students will have fun trying new music interactive challenges.
Go to: quavermusic.com.  click on student interactive and enter their code. Each class has a Quaver code to use. 
The codes are by teachers last name:
LETTS             79C7Q
They can go to student interactive and choose a category. Have your child write down what they did and if they found it interesting and fun. Include this in their packet upon return to school. 
Thank you
Mr. Rioux
Website   Quavermusic.com
Remote learning for March 22-27
Hello students,
     This week I would like you to go back to quaver interactive and find the Quaver books section. Here, read the story of Beethoven from the basic section. Play all the interactive music pieces to hear a small repretoire of his most wonderful music. Write down on paper which of the pieces were your favorite and why. Please be safe and have a good week. Don't forget to use your teachers code to enter there site.
Thank you,
Mr. Rioux
Remote learning for Mar 30-April 3
Hello students,
     This week I would like you to go back to quaver interactive and find the Music Creations section. Here, they will be choosing to work with a meter of 4 and also work with sixteenth notes. Please read the instructions to the left.Remember every box represents one beat . Please be safe and have a good week. Don't forget to use your teachers code to enter there site.
Please use Schoology also to find your Spring concert songs. Keep practicing them at home!!!
Thank you,
Mr. Rioux
Remote Learning April 6-8, 2020
This week we will continue with experimenting. Please go to the Quaver site and choose student interactive but this time choose music theory. Now go to Find that Beat.  Here they will to to match up the strong and weak beats with each simple tune. They place the black or red balls in the chart and then press check to see if they are correct. Write down how they did and place it in their packet.Remember they have to use their teachers code to get in. Thank you so much.---Mr. Rioux
Please remember to practice our Spring  concert music ***********
Remote Learning April 20-24
This week, as we continue our online lessons, you will have to go to Quavermusic.com. Use student interactives and then pick Music Creations. Now pick Rhythm Selectah!
  • Look at the icons on the right side of the screen, noticing that each picture has the same number of sounds as the note(s) or rest that goes with it.
  • Select Option 1 and Syllables (lower right).
  • For your first rhythms, drag only the chicken, dog, and/or shh icons onto Row 1 to create a rhythm pattern. (Example: dog, chicken, dog, shh)
  • Speak and clap your pattern. (Say "dog, chicken, dog, shh" along with a steady beat.)
  • Click FLIP ALL to see, clap, and speak your pattern with rhythm syllables.
  • Select OFF (lower right) to see the pattern without rhythm syllables. Use this option to speak the rhythm if you use a different system of syllables.
  • Add rhythm patterns to rows 2-4 using only the chicken, dog, and shh.
  • Refine and revise the patterns until you are happy with them. Speak and clap the patterns along with the backing track.
  • When you are ready, select Option 2 for half note and whole note patterns.
  • For sixteenth note patterns and dotted note patterns, select Option 3.
  • Have fun exploring and creating as many patterns as possible!
Have a good week and I hope to see you soon.